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a). Studii publicate ISI WoS, IF>1.00:
Easterbrook, M. J., Grigoryan, L., Smith, …Gavreliuc, A. et al… (2024). The Social Cure Properties of Groups Across Cultures: Groups Provide More Support but Have Stronger Norms and Are Less Curative in Relationally Immobile Societies. Social Psychological and Personality Science, Early Access. Indexed WoS. IF = 5.7
Paloș, R., Vîrgă, D., & Okros, N. (2024). Why should you believe in yourself? Students’ performance‐approach goals shape their approach to learning through self‐efficacy: A longitudinal analysis. European Journal of Education, e12624. Indexed WoS. IF = 2.4
Krys, K., Kostoula, O., van Tilburg, W. A. P.,… Gavreliuc A. et al. (2024). Happiness Maximization Is a WEIRD Way of Living. Perspectives on Psychological ScienceEarly Access Indexed WoS. IF = 12.6
Saxler, F. M., Dorrough, A. R., Froehlich, L., ….Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2024). Did Descriptive and Prescriptive Norms About Gender Equality at Home Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Cross-National Investigation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Early Access. Indexed WoS. IF = 4.00
Sanchez-Rodriguez, A., Uskul, A., … Gavreliuc et al. (2023). Unpacking the link between economic inequality and self-construal. Self and Identity, Early Access, WoS. IF=2.412
Sanchez-Rodriguez, A., Vignoles, V., … Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2023). Self-construals predict personal life satisfaction with different strengths across societal contexts differing in national wealth and religious heritage. Self and Identity. Early Access. Indexed WoS. IF=2.412.
Krys, K., Chun Yeung, J., Haas, B. W., …Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2023). Family First: Evidence of Consistency and Variation in the Value of Family Versus Personal Happiness Across 49 Different Cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology55(3), 323-339. WoS. IF =2.557.
Ionescu, A., Furdui, R, Gavreliuc, A., Greenfield, P., & Weinstock, M. (2023). The effects of sociocultural changes on epistemic thinking across three generations in Romania. PLoS ONE, 18(3), e0281785 Indexed WoS, IF = 3.752.

Lun, Miu-Chin V., Smith, P…., Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2023). Need for approval from others and face concerns as predictors of interpersonal conflict outcome in 29 cultural groups. International Journal of Psychology, online first. WoS. IF = 2.291
Olsson, M., van Grootel, S., …, Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2023). Gender gap in parental leave intention:  Evidence from 37 countries. Political Psychology, Early Access. Indexed WoS. IF=4.804
Krys, K., Haas, B.W., Igou, E.R. …, Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2022). Introduction to a Culturally Sensitive Measure of Well-Being: Combining Life Satisfaction and Interdependent Happiness Across 49 Different Cultures. Journal of Happiness Studies, 24(2), 607-627. Indexed WoS. IF = 4.087.
Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Bosson, J., Jurek, P., Besta, T., Olech, M., Vandello, J. A., … & Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2022). Gendered self-views across 62 countries: A test of competing models. Social Psychological and Personality Science, (online first)
Indexed WoS. IF = 5.316.

Gavreliuc, A., Gavreliuc, D., & Semenescu, A. (2022). To steal or not to steal: Self-discrepancies as a way to promote prosocial behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 4,  748298.Indexed WoS. IF = 4.232
Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Bosson, J., Jurek, P., Besta, T., Olech, M., Vandello, J. A., … & Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2022). Gendered self-views across 62 countries: A test of competing models. Social Psychological and Personality Science, (online first) Indexed WoS. IF = 5.316.
Gavreliuc, A., Gavreliuc, D., & Semenescu, A. (2021). Beyond the façade of generosity – regional stereotypes within the same national culture influence prosocial behaviors. PLoS ONE, 16(5): e0250125. ONE is indexed WoS, IF = 3.752.
Dincă, M., Luștrea, A., Onițiu, A., Crașovan, M., & Berge, T. (2021). The Effects of Disciplinary Composition on Virtual Learning Group Process Dynamics: Students’ Perspectives. Sustainability13(15), 8493.
Semenescu, A. & Gavreliuc, A. (2021). Structural, psychological and contextual predictors of car use. Frontiers in Psychology. 12, 692435. Indexed WoS. IF = 4.232.
Bosson, P., Jurek, P., …, Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2021). Psychometric Properties and Correlates of Precarious Manhood Beliefs in 62 Nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 52 (3), 231-258. Indexed Wos. IF = 2.577
Krys, L., Park, L., …, Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2021). Societal emotional environments and cross-cultural differences in life satisfaction: A forty-nine country study. Journal of Positive Psychology, 17(1), 117-130. Indexed WoS. IF = 4.290
Moza, D., Lawrie, S., Maricuțoiu, L., Gavreliuc, A., Kim, H. (2021). Not all forms of independence are created equal: only being independent the “right way” is associated with self-esteem and life satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:606354. Indexed WoS. IF = 4.232
Smith, P., Easterbrook. M. J., … Gavreliuc, A., Gavreliuc D. et al. (2021). Is an Emphasis on Dignity, Honor and Face more an Attribute of Individuals or of Cultural Groups?. Cross-Cultural Research., 55(2-3), 95-126.
Indexed WoS. IF = 2.178
Pascalau, A., Gavreliuc, A., Gouveia, V. & Coelho, G. (2021). Honor Scale in Romania: Psychometric Parameters and Associations to Human Values. Psychological Reports124 (4), 1912-1931.
Indexed WoS, IF = 1.789
Krys, K., Park, J., Kocimska-Zych, A.,…, Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2021). Personal Life Satisfaction as a Measure of Societal Happiness is an Individualistic Presumption: Evidence from Fifty Countries. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22 (5) , 2197-2214. Wos. IF = 4.087.
Smith, P., Easterbrook. M. J.,… Gavreliuc, A., Gavreliuc D. et al. (2020). Sex Differences in Self-Construal and in Depressive Symptoms: Predictors of Cross-National Variation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 51(7-8), 616-635.
Indexed Wos. IF = 2.618
Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Best, T., Bosson, J., Jurek, P., Vandello, A., …, Gavreliuc, A., Gavreliuc, D. et al. (2020). Country level and Individual-level Predictors of Men’s Support for Gender Equality in 42 Countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(6), 1276-1291. Indexed Wos. IF = 3.376
Semenescu, A., Gavreliuc, A. & Sîrbescu, P. (2020). 30 Years of soft interventions to reduce car use – A systematic review and meta-analysis. Transportation Research Part D. Transport and Environment, 85, 102397.
Indexed WoS. IF= 5.495
Lawrie, S., Eom, K., Moza, D., Gavreliuc, A., & Kim, H. (2020). Cultural Variability in the Association Between Age and Well-Being: The Role of Uncertainty Avoidance. Psychological Science, 31(1), 51-64. Indexed ISI Thomson (ISI Web of Knowledge). IF =7.029
Nadolu, B., & Nadolu, D. (2020). Homo interneticus—The sociological reality of mobile online being. Sustainability12(5), 1800.
Paloș,R., Maricuțoiu,L., & Costea,I. (2019). Relations between academic performance, student engagement and student burnout: a cross-lagged analysis of a two-wave study. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 60, 199-204.
Moza, D., Maricutoiu, L., & Gavreliuc, A. (2019). Cross-Lagged Relationships Between Self-Esteem, Self-Construal, and Happiness in a Three-Wave Longitudinal Study. Journal of Individual Differences. 40(3), 177-185. DOI: ISI Thomson (ISI Web of Knowledge). Indexed WoS. IF = 1.283
Paloș,R. (2018/2020). Exploring the impact of achievement goals orientation and study engagement on nursing students’ approaches to learning. Educational Studies, 46(2), 205-220; DOI:10.1080/03055698.2018.1555454
Dincă, M., & Lucheș, D. (2018). Work integration of the roma: between family and labor market. Sustainability10(5), 1495.
Becker, M., Vignoles, V. L., Owe, … Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2018). Being oneself through time: Bases of self-continuity across 55 cultures. Self and Identity, 17(3), 276-293. doi: 10.1080/15298868.2017.1330222Indexed ISI Thomson (ISI Web of Knowledge). IF = 2.170
Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M., Biegańska, J., Senetra, A., Gavriilidou, E., Nadolu, B., … & Brauer, R. (2017). Landscapes with different logics: A physicalistic approach to semantic conflicts in spatial planning. Quaestiones Geographicae, 36(4), 29–45.
Stanciu, A.  J., Cohrs, C., Hanke, K., & Gavreliuc, A. (2017). Within-Culture Variation in the Content of Stereotypes: Application and Development of the Stereotype Content Model in an Eastern European Culture. The Journal of Social Psychology, 157(5), 611-628.

Indexed ISI Thomson (ISI Web of Knowledge). IF=1.203.

Smith, P. B, Vignoles, V. L., Becker, M., Owe, E., Easterbrook, M. J., … Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2016). Individual and culture-level components of survey response styles: A multi-level analysis using cultural models of selfhood. International Journal of Psychology, 51(6), 453-463. DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12293

Indexed ISI Thomson (ISI Web of Knowledge). IF = 1.198

Smith, P. B., Ahmad, A. A., Owe, E., Gosku, C. C., Hu, P., … Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2016). Nation-level moderators of the extent to which self-efficacy and relationship harmony predict students’ depression and life satisfaction: Evidence from ten cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(6), 818-834. DOI: 10.1177/0022022116648210

Indexed ISI Thomson (ISI Web of Knowledge). IF = 1.929

Vignoles, V. L., Owe, E., Becker, M., Smith, P. B., Easterbrook, M., … Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2016). Beyond the ‘East-West’ dichotomy: Global variation in cultural models of selfhood. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145 (8), 966-1000. DOI: 10.1037/xge0000175

Indexed ISI Thomson (ISI Web of Knowledge). IF = 5.929

Becker, M., Vignoles, V.,…, Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2014). Cultural Bases for Self-Evaluation: Seeing Oneself Positively in Different Cultural Contexts. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 657-675. doi: 10.1177/0146167214522836
Indexed ISI Thomson (ISI Web of Knowledge). IF = 2.515

Gavreliuc, A., & Gavreliuc, D. (2014). Cartography of the Banatian Identity Dynamics in the Last Decade: the Registers of Social Attitudes and Social Capital. Review of Research and Social Intervention, 44 (1), 212-228.

Indexed ISI WoS, IF = 1.354 (IF WoS – SSCI 2012).

Owe, E., Vignoles, V.,…, Gavreliuc, A. et al. (2013). Contextualism as an Important Facet of Individualism-Collectivism: Personhood Beliefs across 37 National Groups. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44(1), 24-45. doi:10.1177/0022022111430255Advance on-line publication: January 2012; print: January 2013.

Indexed ISI WoS. IF = 1.547
Nadolu, B. (2020). Perspectives of Romanian students about life in social isolation. Journal of Research in Higher Education4(1), 32-43.BDI indexed: DOAJ, ERIH Plus.
Semenescu, A., & Gavreliuc, A. (2019). Car use reduction: a matter of reasoned calculus, morality or habit? An integrative perspective. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology21(2), 44-53. DOI: 10.24913/rjap.21.2.02Indexed DOAJ (full-text), EBSCO – Academic Search Complete (full-text), CrossRef, PsychINFO, ERIH Plus.
Paloș,R., Măgurean,S., Petrovici,M.C. (2019). Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Performance – The Mediating Role of Students’ Achievement Goals. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 67, 234-249. DOI: 10.33788/rcis.67.15.
Veress, Z., & Gavreliuc, A. (2019). Linking social axioms with behavioural outcomes in Romanian organizational settings. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 17(1), 27–47.

Indexed: PsychInfo, EBSCO, SCOPUS.

Diaconu-Gherasim, L., Iacob, L. M., & Gavreliuc, A. (2017). Children’s Academic Achievement and Goal Orientations: Does the Ethnic Membership Matter? Cultura y Educación (RCYE) (Culture and Education), 29(4), 728-761.

Indexed ISI Thomson (ISI Web of Knowledge). IF = 0.607.

Pășcălău, A., & Gavreliuc, A. (2018). Teoria funcțională a valorilor – o nouă perspectivă în evaluarea dinamicii sociale. Revista de Psihologie (Journal of Psychology), 64(4), 305-315.BDI indexed: PsychInfo, DOAJ, ERIH Plus, EBSCO.
Veress, Z., & Gavreliuc, A. (2018). Organizational Commitment, Organizational Justice and Work Satisfaction: AComprehensive Model in a Romanian Organizational Setting. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, 20(2), 60-69.

DOI: 10.24913/rjap.20.2.05

Indexed: DOAJ (full-text), EBSCO – Academic Search Complete (full-text), CrossRef, PsychINFO, ERIH Plus.
Indexed ISI WoS:
Gavreliuc, A., & Gavreliuc, D. (2018). Social cognitions and cultural dimensions in the Romanian educational field, Journal of Research in Higher Education, 2(2), 2-18. DOI: indexed: DOAJ, ERIH Plus.
Gavreliuc, A. (2012). Continuity and change of values and attitudes in generational cohorts of post-communist Romania. Cognition, Brain, Behaviour. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 14(2), 191-212. indexed: PsychInfo, EBSCO, Proquest, Scopus, International Bibliography of Social Science.
  1. Capitole de cărți publicate în edituri internaționale relevante
Gherasim, L., Butnaru, S., Gavreliuc, A., & Iacob, L. (2013). Optimistic Attributional Style and Parental Behaviour in the Educational Framework: A Cross-Cultural Perpective. In Knoop, H. H.; Delle Fave, A. (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology, vol. 3, New York: Springer, 195-217, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-4611-4_13
Friedlmeier, M., & Gavreliuc, A. (2013). Value orientations and perception of social change in postcommunist Romania. In I. Albert & D. Ferring (Eds.), Intergenerational relationships in society and family: European perspectives. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 119-131.
Gavreliuc, D., & Gavreliuc, A. (2018). Generational belonging and historical ruptures: continuity or discontinuity in terms of values and attitudes in post-communist Romania. In N. Lebedeva. R. Dimitrova,  & J. Berry (eds.). Changing values and identities in the post-communist world. (pp. 207-222) New York: Springer. DOI:
  1. Cărți publicate în edituri naționale relevante
Paloș, R. (coord.). (2020). Culegere de aplicații și exerciții structurate. Suport în procesul de orientare și consiliere vocațională primară. Editura Universităţii de Vest, Timişoara
Gavreliuc, A. (2019). Psihologia socială și dinamica personalității. Iași: Editura Polirom.
Gavreliuc, D. (ed.) Gavreliuc A. (co-autor) (2016). Education, culture and identity. Diagnosis of societal and personal changes in post-communist Romania. Timișoara: Editura de Vest.
Ionescu, A., Nadolu, B., Moza, D., & Lobont, F. (2016). R2PRIS Methodological Framework. Timisoara: West University of Timisoara Press.
  1. Capitole de cărți publicate în edituri naționale relevante
Gavreliuc, A. (2013). Limitele cunoașterii psihologice și regăsirea sensului integrator. In P. Iluț (ed.), În căutare de principii. Epistemologie și metodologie socială aplicată. Iași: Polirom, 135-158.
Gavreliuc, A. (2013). Attitudes toward family, value orientation and demographical behaviour in the Romanian population. In I. Rogobete & A. Neagoe (eds.), Contemporary issues facing families. (pp. 71-90). Verlag fur Kultur and Wissenschaft: Bonn.
Gavreliuc, A., Moza, D. (2015). Fundamentele culturale ale fericirii. O lectură din perspectiva psihologiei interculturale. In P. Iluț (ed.), Dragoste, familie și fericire. Spre o sociologie a seninătății. (pp. 183-207). Iași: Polirom.
Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M., Biegańska, J., Senetra, A., Gavriilidou, E., Nadolu, B., … & Brauer, R. (2017). Landscapes with different logics: A physicalistic approach to semantic conflicts in spatial planning. Quaestiones Geographicae, 36(4), 29–45.
Gavreliuc, A. (2019). Logica implicită evoluționistă și atracția sexuală. In Ș. Boncu, A. Holman (eds), Cum gîndim în viața de zi cu zi. (pp. 132-142). Iași: Polirom.
Gavreliuc, A. (2019). Un secol de unire: între rupturi social-istorice si continuități valorice sau atitudinale. In V. Boari (ed.), Cine sunt românii? Perspective asupra identității naționale (pp. 145-165). Cluj-Napoca: Editura Școala Ardeleană.
Lucheș, D. & Dincă, M. (2020). Opiniile liceenilor despre toleranță. In Voicu B, Rusu H, Tufis C (Eds.), 2020, Atlasul valorilor sociale. Romania la 100 de ani, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca.